Week 13: Individual Conferences

Quinn WarnickWeekly Updates

At this point in the semester, each of you is doing highly individualized work, so it’s hard to plan class workshops that serve all of you equally well. Hence, I’ve decided to replace our Wednesday morning class session with a set of individual conferences. Sometime during Week 13, I’d like to meet with each of you to review the current draft of your website and confirm that you’re on track to complete the project by May 6th. (By the time we meet, you should have a full draft of your website. It’s OK if it’s a rough draft, but all of the components should be there.)

I have office hours on Tuesday from 2–5 and Wednesday from 9–12. Please email me with two or three possible times that you could meet. (If you aren’t available during those times, give me a few other options; I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.) Plan on spending up to 30 minutes in this conference, and bring your laptop so I can give you some feedback on your website.

I’m looking forward to meeting with you next week!